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  • Writer's pictureJeren Beghler

Stuffed red peppers with couscous and vegetables

Couscous is whole-grain food that originated from northern Africa, more precisely from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. It is also commonly found in Middle Eastern cuisine. Couscous can be eaten as a side dish, salad or dessert, and is a good replacement of rice.

Couscous is a very good source of protein, which supports healthy skin, muscles, organs and other body tissues. Couscous is also very lean, as it contains less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving. Including couscous in your diet provides several health benefits: it prevents certain cancers, increases heart health, prevents bacterial and viral infections, improves digestion, helps weight loss efforts, builds muscles, boosts immune system, and so much more.

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Ingredients (for 1 person):

* 100 ml couscous

* 100 ml (boiled) water

* 1 cube vegetable stock (crushed)

* 2 large red (sweet) peppers

* 150 - 200 grams chestnut mushrooms (chopped)

* 1/2 red onion (chopped)

* some goatcheese (to butter)

* 1 tbsp tomatopaste (optional)

What to do:

Mix together the couscous and the boiled water, to soften the couscous balls. Add the vegetable stock as well. Cut the red peppers in halves and put them in the oven until soft. In the meanwhile, cut the mushrooms and the red onion and cook in a pan until soft. Butter the red peppers with goatcheese after. When the vegetables are ready, mix them with couscous and top it on the red peppers.

Should be served immediately! Enjoy!

PS: You can also add tomatopaste in the couscous mix, but honestly, I preferred without it.

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