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  • Writer's pictureJeren Beghler

Salmon salad with chia seeds

Chia seeds has multiple health benefits; prevents ageing, decreases chances of diseases e.g. cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, helps consuming less calories, important for bone health, and improves excercise performance .

Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant Salvia Hispanica, which grows in South America. Despite their massive amount of nutrients, only recently did chia seeds become recognised as a healthy element to include in dishes, and is now consumed by health conscious people around the world.

I first heard about chia seeds about 1-2 years ago. I don't remember exactly how I found out about chia seeds, but I assume that it was mentioned in different food blogs and was likely to be seen on my Instagram feed.

Preparation time: 25 minutes

Ingredients (for 1 person):

* 1 piece salmon fillet (cooked)

* 2 eggs (boiled)

* trio salad (lollo rosso, lollo biondo, oak leaf)

* 1/2 red sweet pepper (sliced)

* 1/4 red onion (sliced)

* some cucumber (cut)

* 1/2 tbsp lemon juice

* 1/2 tbsp olive oil

* salt * 2 teaspoons chia seeds

Interesting facts:

* Chia seeds is an excellent source of calcium for people who don't eat dairy

* Chia seeds contain more Omega-3s than salmon

* Chia seeds contain 12g of carbohydrate per ounce (1 oz equals 28g), where 11 of those grams are fiber

* Chia seeds can help with weight loss, because the high content of fiber absorbs large amount of water and expands the stomach, resulting in the feeling of fullness and slowing absorption of food

* Chia seeds contains 14% protein, excellent source for vegans and vegetarians

* Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants

* Chia seeds are usually grown organically, are non-GMO and naturally free of gluten

* The top thing, Chia seeds don't taste much, can therefore be included in multiple dishes for extra nutrients

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