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  • Writer's pictureJeren Beghler

Anchovies in a salad

Anchovies is a type of fish that may not be so familiar for many. Anchovies are small silvery fish that live in Mediterranean Sea and off the coast of Southern Europe. They often come in a small can covered with oil, and have a big flavour for such small fish. Because they're so strong in taste, only a small amount of anchovy is needed to add flavour.

Anchovies are very beneficial for your health for multiple reasons: they are very high in protein content, they are packed with significant B-vitamins, they are a good source of healthy fats, as well as other nutrients e.g. calcium, selenium and niacin. All these nutrients supports your health including muscles, nerve cells and immune system functions, eyevision, cellmembranes and bone density, and protects you from Cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease.

It may be difficult to know how to incorporate anchovies in your diet, and therefore I am excited to share with you a recipe that you can try out!

Preparation time: 25 minutes


* Anchovies

* Beetroot

* Potatoes

* Carrots

* Red onion

* Green peas

* Olive oil * NO Salt (don't add any salt, as the anchovies are already strong in taste)

What to do:

Boil the vegetables (beetroot, potatoes and carrots) uptil 15 minutes, until they are soft. When cooked, remove the skin and chop them in small cubes, as well as red onion and anchovies. Mix everything together in a bowl and add olive oil in the end. And Voilá!

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